la balena
A doula is sometimes called a birth coach or birth guide, and those are accurate definitions. She is a professional companion supporting and guiding you (and your birth partner if present) during your pregnancy and birth. Are you nervous about giving birth? Or have you had a negative experience before? Or would be more comfortable with someone helping you navigate the Dutch care system?
No matter the kind of birth you are planning or hoping for, a doula wil help you prepare for a stressfree and positive birth experience.
Do you like the idea of having a doula at your side when you give birth? When you choose to work with me, I will visit you 2 or 3 times. I get to know you well and we explore what you need to feel calm and prepared for the birth. Maybe you need lots of information, or maybe you would benefit from letting go and learning to trust some more. We discuss what your dreams and worries are and what you need.
After the intake session we will discuss the process of birth and realistic expectations, and we practice what to do (including your partner, if present). I know the Dutch care system and its protocols and will help you set up a good birth plan. I am happy to work with your care team and can join you on a prenatal visit if you wish.
Once the birth starts I come over when you need me and I won’t leave your side untill your baby is born. I help you cope with the pain, coach and encourage you. I also support your partner if present, support you as a team. I will not ever take over/take your place but I can help you communicate with your healthcare team and protect your wishes.
If things don’t go as planned – especially if things don’t go as planned – I will stay with you and support you, no matter how long it takes. I don’t have shifts that end, and I’m on your side.
During birth I:
- Coach and encourage you
- coach your partner if present, and help you be a great team
- Physical support (massage)
- Optimise the space (light, sound, smell, talking)
- Help communicate with careproviders
- Explain what’s happening
- Help your birth progress with specific postures and movement depending on fetal position
- Support your birth partner (emotionally and practically) and help them support you
- Take care of practicalities (clean up, gather stuff, bring food, etc.)
- Stay with you during a c-section (if hospital allows)
- Take pictures (according to your wishes) and keep notes, many women appreciate this afterward as keepsake and for processing