La Balena

Doula & Kraamzorg 


Becoming pregnant surely is lifechanging! Often wonderful, beautiful, exhilarating, and sometimes – also – very raw and challenging. 

I dream of a world where every family is carried, guided, and respected throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum. As a doula, maternity nurse and (zen)coach I provide mental, emotional, physical and informational support for pregnancy, birth and postpartum. 

What kind of support are you looking for? 

geboorte doula amsterdam


As your birth doula, we will prepare for birth together, and I will support you (/your family) unconditionally during the entire birth. 

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The goal of ‘kraamzorg’ is to give new families the best possible start of their life together. The magic words here are rest, recovery, and  bonding.

 I also provide postpartum treatments such as belly binding. 

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Een blog met tips, tricks en resources, en vooral veel verrassende inspiratie voor zwangerschap en kraamtijd.


Preparation is incredibly helpful to realize a positive birth experience. I offer a complete course and coaching.

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alternatieve babyshower mothering present baby ceremonie

Celebrations, rituals, gifts

I love using my creativity and experience to craft a unique, meaningful celebration or ritual.  

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For over a decade I have been fascinated by everything birth. Few other events weave big themes together so closely like meaning and science, body and mind, autonomy and power, gratefulness and grief, and the impact of past experiences and our hopes for the future.  

People describe me as open minded, passionate, and a little crazy. I love to listen, to read, and to be in nature, as you can see on the picture. I have done a lot of intensive mindfulness training (and I need it, with my two mischievous little boys!). 

I have experienced how powerful and transformative a great birth experience can be. This pushed me to switch careers. I also experienced the impact of not having the right support, which has only contributed to my passion for supporting families. 


Your pregnancy, birth, and parenting journey.
Your dreams matter.
Being supported to make choices with confidence.


With yourself. People close to you.
Your team. Your baby.
Building the foundations for a lifetime bond.


Making space for meaning. For what matters to you.
Making choices that are meaningfull now, and in the future.
Daring to dive deeper and ask ‘slow’ questions.
ontdek mijn blog

A blog full of inspiration, information and resources. Soon also in English!

Een doula en je partner bij de bevalling

Een goede doula neemt absoluut niet de rol van de partner over tijdens de bevalling. Integendeel. Een doula kan juist eraan bijdragen dat je optimaal samen de bevalling kan ervaren, en dat de partner juist goed zijn of haar support kan geven.

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De voordelen van een doula

Helaas denken mensen soms nog steeds dat een doula iets zweverigs is. Maar wat zegt de wetenschap? Wat is het effect van een doula bij je bevalling?

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la balena doula & kraamzorg



Thank you for the great lessons. It was especcially valuable to us that you were available for consultation when we went far past the due date. You provided us with the information we needen but more importantly, you really coached us to make sense of that information and make decisions that were right for us, and how to discuss this effectively with our team. Our birth didn’t go as ‘planned’ but we felt involved and in charge. Thank you!

– Michael & Eleni


Hi Myrte we kijken met een goed gevoel terug op de bevalling van onze zoon. Wat fijn dat jij erbij was! Dank voor je lieve support, rust en aanmoediging. En ook die details, wie denkt er nou aan om rietjes mee te nemen 🙂 Voor Ajani was het erg prettig dat hij tips kreeg, dat jij hem ook erg betrok toen er even veel tegelijk gebeurde, en dat iemand anders de praktische zaken op zich nam. We konden daardoor echt een team zijn. En ook bedankt voor de foto’s, ik dacht vooraf dat dat niet zo belangrijk was maar vind het toch erg waardevol. 

– Lydia & Ajani

La balena 


myrte van de klundert

9 + 9 =