la balena doula & kraamzorg

Kraamzorg & postpartum doula services

I offer Kraamzorg & postpartum doula services. They compliment each other well. Read more about each on this page. 

You may hire me as your kraamzorg, as a postpartum doula, or both! 

To plan a discovery call, or to book right away if I’m available, just send me an email at , text or call at +31612035969. 

For kraamzorg my schedule is full up to 15 september as due date, but feel free to contact me and discuss options. 

But maybe you first want to know… 

Why one on one postpartum care? 

In the maternity period (even if it’s not your first) so much happens all at once. You are starting to recover and at the same time care for a newborn. And, however the course of your pregnancy and birth, every woman needs some space to integrate this experience.

A good start is very important. But no matter whether you’re on cloud nine or in a cloudy storm, when caring for a newborn 24/7 it is generally hard to find the time for recovery and processing. In fact, caring for a newborn is so intens, it even changes our brain!

Having one-on-one care from someone you’ve met before the birth, can bring so much extra comfort and calmness. And that goes for both kraamzorg and/or your postpartum doula (after the kraamzorg). She will strengthen you in the new role, give you confidence, and simply take some of the load off your plate in the meantime. How valuable to have even just a few moments to rest and tend to your own needs in those challenging first weeks? To have someone who cares for you. Someone to talk to about the birth story, even if for the 100th time, or share your fears and worries.

So what is kraamzorg, exactly?

Uniquely, in The Netherlands all new mothers receive ‘kraamzorg’: professional  maternity care in your own home. The minimum hrs is 24, i strive to give a complete 49 hrs wherever possible, and sometimes more (up to 80). 24-49 hrs. are divided over 8 days. With basic insurance you pay about 5,- per hour out of pocket. Kraamzorg are usually booked early, before 20 or even 15 weeks of pregnancy. If you give birth at home, she will be there to assist you and the midwife in the last hours of the birth process and the first hours after baby is born. 

The woman giving kraamzorg is called a kraamverzorgende. She is specifically trained for kraamzorg. She does medical checks on mom and baby, helps you get started with feeding and taking care of your baby, does light housework and some mealprepping (based on your instruction). She screens for problems and reports to your midwife. In the hospital and at home, midwives may be assisted by kraamverzorgenden.

Although there is some overlap with a postpartum doula, it is not the same. A doula does not do medical checks, does not report to anyone and doesn’t have a checklist. A doula may be more flexible. 

Although she does many practical things where needed, she is there for emotional support and as a source of (neutral) information. She has in depth training on breastfeeding, on mothers recovery (nutrition, practices such as accupressure, herbs). And when possible and wanted she will help you relax with a massage.

What is a postpartum doula?

Before hiring a doula, it’s good to know what makes postpartum care so valuable and what to expect.

A postpartum doula supports your physical and emotional recovery and your transition into this new chapter in life, weather it is your first baby or second, third…). A postpartum doula is like a nonjudgemental and knowledgeable friend, above all encouraging you to find your voice and do things your own way. As a professional, but without prescripted protocols, she helps you navigate all the ‘advice’ out there, taking away loads of uncertainty (preventing hours of stressful googling!). She is your ‘walking library’ but most importantly, a woman passionate about helping you find your way in – and enjoying – your parenting journey. 

In need of postpartum care NOW? Check out Last minute page. 


What does a postpartum doula do? What to expect?

In an intensive intake session we talk about what to expect, what is important to you, discuss some of the main choices and make a plan. Once the time comes, we start every day by making a specific plan for the day.

We apply my time and skills as needed. I’m here to support you in the areas of:


  • Mental and emotional support; my attention for you and how you’re doing, and for your partner if present
  • Finding out together how to get a good rhytm, and what you need to have peace and quiet. Also we may use relaxation techniques with breathing, movement, guided meditations, or treatments such as a massage.
  • Handling the baby, baby sleep, crying, feeding (breast or bottle), babymassage en relaxing practices.
  • Finding balance in the new situation, alsof for involved siblings if present. Becoming a parent (/again); we may explore what parenting style suits you and where to find resources accordingly.
  • Physical recovery, also after cesarean section. Tips and tricks. Helpful foods, you get recipes, shopping lists, and I can prepare or cook meals entirely, adding herbs if this fits your lifestyle.
  • I may do some light housework when needed, take take of practicalities of a visit, including gently but clearly signaling when it’s time for the family to rest
  • I may signal when issues need specialized attention and offer a network of trusted professionals.
  • If it has your interest we may discuss and plan rituals/celebrations.


    Most of this does overlap with kraamzorg. A kraamverzorgende however cannot do a massage or cook everyday. As a doula I have even more freedom to adjust to you. 

Postpartum compas – the intake session 

If you book me as a postpartum doula you you get this session free, in other cases check Investment.

In an 1,5hr session we explore what values you want to prioritize in the postpartum period (± 6 weeks) and how to make this concrete in your choices. This session has an explorative/coaching character, resulting in a “compass” that will help you make choices postpartum (and also, explain them to others).

Alternatively, I offer a complete postpartum preparation in ± 3 hours. I will talk you through everything you need to know to be prepared, practically and mentally, and after the session you will complete the format for your plan. Because it is a private session there is lots of room for your personal questions and concerns. At the end you will, so to speak, have a compass and a map.

Themes to discuss: recovery, nutrition, sleep and movement (parents), sleep and nutrition of the baby, visitors, relationships, sexuality, how your brain changes when you become a parent, parenting styles, back to work, division of (household) tasks.

Mothering Present Doula services Amsterdam


How is postpartum care organised in the Netherlands

Uniquely, in The Netherlands all new mothers receive ‘kraamzorg’, a basic professional maternity/postpartum care. All dutch health insurance covers most of the costs of a standard package of 24-80 hours divided over 6-8 days. With basic insurance you only pay 4,50 per hour out of pocket. You need to arrange this care with your organisation of choice quite early in pregnancy, preferably before week 16 (because there is a shortage of professionals in this sector). 

What is the difference between a postpartum doula and the Dutch 'kraamzorg'?

The person giving kraamzorg is called a kraamverzorgende. She is not a nurse, she is specifically trained for kraamzorg (although sometimes called ‘maternity nurse). She does basic medical checks on mom and baby, helps you get started with feeding and taking care of your baby, light housework and some mealprepping (based on your instruction). She screens for problems and reports to your midwife. In the hospital and at home, midwives may be assisted by kraamverzorgenden.

Although there is some overlap with a postpartum doula, it is not the same. A doula does not do medical checks, does not report to anyone and doesn’t have a checklist. A doula may be more flexible. She is there first and foremost to support and strenghten the mother (and partner, if present).

Although she does many practical things where needed, she is there for emotional support and as a source of (neutral) information (not prescripted advice). She has in depth training on breastfeeding, on mothers recovery (nutrition, practices such as accupressure, herbs). And when possible and wanted she will help you relax with a massage.

I believe the kraamzorg and postpartum doula complement each other very well. As a doula I am very happy to work alongside the kraamzorg, or after they have left.

Why hire a postpartum doula when you already have children?

Of course it is very personal to everyone, but I personally believe that any woman who just gave birth should receive lots of care, so she can recover and so she can focus on caring for the newborn and the siblings. If you gave birth before, you know many things, so that will make it a bit easier. There is less of a steep learning curve. And yet, you did not give birth to THIS baby before, you did not bond with THIS baby before. So it is just as important to be well supported, so you can make the best possible start of being a mother to this baby. Integrating a new member into an already existing family is a new challenge on its own. To me personally quite a big one, and I personally found the first weeks with my second child much more challenging than with my firstborn. Feel free to contact me to discuss your personal situation, so you can decide what you need. 

Perfect Present: voucher

Hiring a doula is a investment that in my humble opinion pays back manifold. It is also a wonderful, personal, sustainable, and definitely unforgettable gift to ask and to receive.